
Our Artistic Director YOJIRO ICHIKAWA offers a private session for singing or acting. Please check the links below for the details. Feel free to ask us via email address below if you have any question.



The reviews from existing clients can be found on this page.

REVIEWS from Clients お客様の声

<Training Menu レッスンメニュー>

[Vocal Training 歌唱指導]

Have you ever found yourself having a problem in singing? Come have a session with an experienced vocal trainer to bring yourself to the next level.

Yojiro is trained in a various range of singing; from popular and rock music to musical theatre and opera, and has worked as a vocal supervisor in a number of productions.
Using his knowledge and skills in Alexander Technique, he will teach you how to observe your own physicality and be aware of the tensions, stress, and habits that you have been putting on to your body unconsciously. By letting go of them, you will be amazed to find how easy it is to sing!!

From professional to beginners, all levels are welcome.


[Drama Training 演技指導]
